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St Remio. Coffee that goes full circle.

St Remio. Coffee that goes full circle.

At St Remio we stand for three things; Quality, Transparency, Community. We are passionate about giving people great coffee at affordable prices, but most importantly putting a spotlight on the coffee growers at the source.

Each year, we will work with different organisations to provide education and infrastructure at the source. This year, we have selected Sustainable Harvest as our charity of choice to fully fund a cupping lab for the female farming community of Twongere Umusaruro. Not only are we building the coffee lab, but the coffee grown by these women, is also used in our coffee so we are proud to go full circle.  

This International Women’s Day we want to celebrate the female coffee growing community of Twongere Umusaruro and celebrate their hard work and commitment not only the production of coffee, but to their families. Many of these women walk long distances from their home where they work long hours in the fields, planting, harvesting, cultivating and processing coffee. They are also the main provider so their income must go a long way to support each member of their family.   

The team at Sustainable Harvest have created a program that supports these women and educates them in agronomy but also in business to ensure they can sell their coffee to the international traders at a fair market value. The construction of our Cupping Lab will only help this community enhance their skills further. It will teach them how to roast and cup their coffee allowing them to understanding the flavour profiles of their bean and cultivate a more consistent crop which leads to a greater yield.

If it wasn’t for our loyal customers, we would not be able to fund wonderful initiatives like this. So to you, our customer, we say THANK YOU! You are part of this project and your purchase is having a positive impact on these women and empowering them to grow and develop within coffee.

Thank you.


Trent Knox,

Founder, St Remio

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