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New Product Photoshoot

New Product Photoshoot
We are so pleased to show a sneak peak of our seriously EPIC new product photoshoot. With our last one being 2 years ago (yeah, thanks COVID!), it was certainly time for a refresh. It was time to assemble our favourite foodie crew and bring our ideas to life!
Photoshoots are a whole lot of fun, but our prep starts about a month in advance. In December we began building our photoshoot brief to determine what needed to be shot and what direction we wanted to take from an aesthetic point of view. Once this is finalised, the fun (and hard work) begins!
First we start the prop build, which involves painting backdrops, boxes, frames and plants. We also created new backdrops from our packaging and hand cut out elements to bring the packaging to life. Finally, once this is complete, we source additional items from flowers, to tea towels, crockery and of course delicious gourmet treats to bring the lifestyle photos to life.  
Then comes shoot day. Over 2 massive days the team curates each set under the guidance of Founder Julia Tink while photographer extraordinaire Shellie Froidevaux (@ironchefshellie) takes to the lens. She has been with us from the very start and not only is a talent (which I am sure you will agree) but a dear friend and brand supporter. Stepping up to the grind under the guidance of Miss Jazzy B (our social media whizz) is champion barista Aman (@amancoffee) bringing out coffee after epic coffee for us to shoot. Clearly swans are his specialty and one of our favs.
They are huge days, but the results are amazing and the vibe is high. We finish the day with chocolates, aperol spritz and hugs all round. It takes a team and there is a lot of work that goes into each shoot. But we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Click here to watch all of the behind the scenes fun on our socials!

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