Meet Julia Tink, Director St Remio. Females supporting females.

I am Julia Tink, Director of One Collective Group and St Remio coffee. I am first and foremost a mother and wife and my passion lies in building business and brands with purpose.
I formally ran my own PR agency for 8 years prior to starting St Remio. Initially, having a coffee brand was the goal, but after my husband Trent Knox visited Rwanda in later 2015, the vision for St Remio changed dramatically and the focus shifted to become a brand that celebrated and recognised the growers and gave back to the source. It is this part of the brand that I am most passionate about.
Over 75% of the world’s coffee producers are female and it is a hard and laborious task. These women cultivate and harvest the coffee we know and love and they do so to provide for their families. I am a mother too. Our motivations are the same. Do whatever it takes to provide for your family no matter what the challenges are. It doesn’t matter where you live, or the circumstance, the motivation is universal and that driver is family.
A good quality coffee is one thing, but a good quality coffee with purpose is another and for me, that is what matters. My trip to Rwanda this year reiterated that sentiment – create a brand that STANDS for something. Not a pretty label, but something with MEANING and PURPOSE. Build a legacy and invest in projects with impact that are far and wide reaching.
St Remio may be small, but it won’t be forever, that I am certain about. I want to take you on our journey in all its vulnerability. In a world full of fake, of people curating their own brand trying to make you believe that their life is something it isn’t, I want to show you the opposite. Real women and their stories. Real families. Real Communities. Because true beauty and authenticity lies in honesty and truth and at St Remio that is what we are about. It’s who we are as people. It’s what we stand for as a brand. Coffee with purpose.
I am excited to take you on the journey and together we can build something pretty epic and special. Thank you for believing in us and allowing St Remio into your lives. Your choice is a powerful one and the impact is far greater than you might ever know.
Julia Tink xx