Coffee Training for Cafe Partners

When you join St Remio, we also invest in you and your success. As part of our onboarding process and continued support, we offer coffee training sessions from our sales legend Rocco!
By offering training sessions to venues, we are able to ensure staff and baristas are equipped with the skills to ensure you are delivering the best cup on the street! Because coffee is so much more than just choosing the right blend. It’s the grind, extraction, and knowledge behind your machine that all plays a part in the perfect cup of coffee.
Shout out to the amazing Café Republic in South Yarra for letting us show a sneak peak of what these sessions typically look like. Baristas are given a run down on the mechanics and settings of their machine/grinder before Rocco takes them through the extraction process. This involves ensuring baristas understand the importance of having the correct grind, extraction time and temperature to ensure optimal extraction and in-cup experience, as this will differ depending on the many epic blends we have! We then finish the session with milk texturing and pouring for the ultimate, creamy cuppa.
We love getting to know our customers including all their amazing baristas, and these sessions are key in ensuring we deliver the training and tools for your success!
*For more information regarding wholesale opportunities, click here*